Template-type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Jorge Martinez-Vazquez Author-Email: jorgemartinez@gsu.edu Author-Homepage: https://icepp.gsu.edu/profile/jorge-martinez-vazquez/ Author-Workplace-Name: International Studies Program. Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University Author-Workplace-Homepage: https://icepp.gsu.edu/ Author-Name: Andrey Timofeev Author-Email:atimofeev@gsu.edu Author-Homepage: http://aysps.gsu.edu/isp/TimofeevA.html Author-Workplace-Name: International Studies Program. Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University Author-Workplace-Homepage: https://icepp.gsu.edu/ Title: Decentralization Measures Revisited Abstract:The first goal of this paper is to develop a taxonomy of decentralization measures showing their relationship to the primary theoretical aspects of decentralization and how the different measures are related to each other. The second goal of the paper is to argue convincingly that from an empirical analysis perspective the aggregation of those distinct dimensions of decentralization into a single indicator inevitably leads to a loss of information and that a preferable approach in multivariate frameworks is to enter these distinct aspects of decentralization in the regression analysis separately in the most flexible functional form possible. Keywords: Decentralization, Taxonomy of decentralization, measures of decentralization Length: 38 pages Creation-Date: 2009-08-01 File-URL: http://icepp.gsu.edu/files/2015/03/ispwp0913.pdf File-Format:application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ays:ispwps:paper0913