Template-type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Francois Vaillancourt Author-Email: francois.vaillancourt@umontreal.ca Author-Homepage: http://www.sceco.umontreal.ca/liste_personnel/vaillancourt.htm Author-Workplace-Name: University of Montreal Author-Workplace-Homepage: http://www.umontreal.ca/ Title: The Taxation of Gambling In Africa Abstract: The taxation of gambling in Africa as a whole appears to have been the object of little attention. In this paper, we first present the importance of gambling for Africa from a world perspective then disaggregate that within Africa. We then turn to the nature and importance of taxation of gambling, focusing on the major markets identified in the first part of the paper. In the third part we present the available evidence on the incidence of gambling in Africa which is limited to South Africa. Length: 16 pages Creation-Date: 2011-05-10 File-URL: http://icepp.gsu.edu/files/2015/03/ispwp1110.pdf File-Format:application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ays:ispwps:paper1110